Material for Face Shields Shipping Across the Globe
Never before has there been a greater demand for personal protective gear, such as face masks, face shields, protective barriers, and more. At Ultraflex Systems, Inc., we take great pride in ensuring our customers have all of the materials that they need to advertise their businesses – and protect their employees, customers, and guests. That’s why we have added an assortment of top-quality products to our lines, including material for face shields, sneeze guard materials, PPE fabrics, and more.
Purchase Material for Face Shields from Ultraflex Systems, Inc.
Not all materials are created equal, and this is especially true for those looking for face shield material. After all, if the material is not durable, how much protection can it really offer? Our team is proud to offer our PETG material, which is a transparent material that is the ideal for applications that require die cuts and precise molded-in details without compromising the structural integrity of the material.
Additional features and applications include:
- 100% Virgin Material
- Anti-Fog Component
- Can Be Used to Create Face Shields
- Ideal for POP Displays & Store Fixtures
- and More!
For complete technical data, download the tech sheet today!
Want to get your hands on the product to ensure it’s the right fit? Request a sample now!
Additional Products for Your Personal Protection Needs
In addition to PETG face shield material, we also have products that are perfect for creating sneeze guards and personal protection barriers, as well as PPE gear like face masks.
- Sneeze Guard & Barrier Materials – AcryliFlex & AcryliFlex X
- PPE Fabrics – RxTex PP, RxProtect 2 & RxProtect 4
For more information on these or any of our other top-quality, printable media materials, speak to our team of experts today. We can gladly ship products to the USA, England, Scotland, Mexico, Canada, and elsewhere worldwide, so if you want to purchase material for face shields or have any other media needs, contact us now!